White Sea Pilot : Comprising the coasts of Finland and The U.S.S.R. From Jakobselv to Byeli Nos, Yugorski Shar Strait including The White Sea & Supplement No. 5-...
Koko nimi: White Sea Pilot : Comprising the coasts of Finland and The U.S.S.R. From Jakobselv to Byeli Nos, Yugorski Shar Strait including The White Sea & Supplement No. 5-1956 (72A) relating to the White Sea Pilot first edition & Summary of
Tyydyttävä. Tarkempi kuntoluokka: K2+ ; Joitain merkintöjä (pääasiassa sivujen marginaalissa), alkuun liimattu paperi jossa merkintöjä, kansissa jonkin verran kulumaa. Mukana "Supplement No. 5-1956 (72A) relating to the White Sea Pilot first edition" sekä "Summary of Admiralty notices to mariners issued during 1956 & 1957 relating to the White Sea Pilot first edition"